Green Realtor Logo Templates

Logo template regular license View license details

What you get

AbstractBuildingClassicDark greenDual toneEconomicalFamilyFlat colorFreshGeometrical shapesGraphic iconGreenHomeHousing apartmentLight GreenLine graphicsLiving spaceLuxuryLuxury apartmentMinimalModernNaturePale greenPale shadePictorial graphicPictorial graphic iconPine TreesReal estateRealtorResidentResidentialSecuresilhouetteSimpleTourismTreeUrban lifeValleyVector imagevintageWhiteWindowYouthful
The pictorial icon portrays a pine garden. The freshness of green and the blend of white forms a beautiful landscape. The variation in the green color symbolises nature friendly atmosphere. The white space in between the green, creates an image of a window and hence symbolises echo friendly homes/apartments. This minimal, flat colored modern pictograph can be preferred to realtors, architectural designer constructions, nature friendly apartments.
Software requirements
When you finish the purchase, you'll get a zip file containing the logo in PNG files, editable source files, printable EPS & PDF files and a text file with links to the fonts used. Here are the list of software you need to edit and use the logo templates.
The editable source files are with the extension ".svg"
Please install the fonts mentioned in "Fonts.txt" in the logo archive before you open the source files
The source file can be edited using Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape
Inkscape is a free software and can be downloaded from
We have also provided vector files in Editable PDF and EPS format which can again be edited using inkscape or Adobe Illustrator
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